الثلاثاء، 16 يونيو 2009

Carnival Crush Part 19 - Rebellion

Heeeeeey!!! this post is kind of short.... enjoy !!! =D
Dedicated to CuteandCuddly ;***


I turned to Faroo7

“what now?”

“7aram.. Fawaz has to come back!’

“ma 3indy wala shay minna… la ra8ma.. wala his email… wala facebook.. wala wala wala shay!’

“Oh my god! …….” After thinking for a while, she pulled my rist and started running. “imshay 5ankallim 5alty Nawal.”


We found 5alty Nawal just where we knew we’d find her… in the meeting room in the four room hallway…

The little crybaby(S3oodooo) was sticking with his mom probably still gossiping about poor Fawaz..

I knocked once at the door and entered with Fara7 behind me…

When 5alty Nawal looked at me.. wayyiha i3tifes.. then when she saw Fara7 behind me.. she managed to say “7ayakom 7abaybe” in the sweetest voice bas 3ashanha! ugh!

I turned to see what S3ood was doing: he was sitting at the middle of the table facing the door, us… and had a laptop.. he was probably ga3id yinazzil il pictures on the laptop…. Bas whatever! He is still a crybaby!

When he noticed me looking at him.. he quickly raised his glance to me… his eyes looked so pitiful.. mine were very angry.. I flipped my hair and I turned to look at 5alty Nawal and noticed that Fara7 had already started talking to her…

“5alty, tara walla 7araaam… Fawaz moo msawee shay…. Hathee hosha bain il 9bayyan il

mafrooth ohma they deal with it on their own as old, mature men” at this Fara7 turned to glance at S3ood then turned back to 5alty. WAY TO GO GIRL!

At this, S3ood il MALGOOOF stood up

“bas etha fee ma9la7a 7eg kil il banat illy yishta’3lon a3ti8id inna il a9a7 inna ydawer mokan thaneee ….” He tracked off. I wonder what he was about to say…

He was looking at Fara7 and a bit at me when he was saying this….

Then I couldn’t bare myself… and I exploded!


I turned to 5alty Nawal and contintued…


Then fara7 slowly pulled me back from my white DKNY summer dress… I tripped a bit from my red flats.. but I caught my balance..

We left the room with no other word.. they got the message! 5ala9! No need to get glances from the two beasts!

On our way walking back to the Group Three Big Room.. my BB beeped..


1 new message:
From: Fajoooor


Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2!!! Why does this always happen to me? Do I attract bad luck and repel human beings? What’s wrong with me these days? This problem between me and Fajoor is starting to get serious. I mean, like, it's not worth it!!! I mean... yeah the guy is HOT and ya36y wayh and is soooo romantic.. but... OKAY IT IS WORTH IT and she better step off cause I got him FIRST..

Fara7 grabbed the BB from me and had the same shocked countenance as I did.

We walked back to our Group (found Noor still in the same position she was in hehehehe)and the day continued with Noor, Fara7 and me hanging around with noisy 3 to 6 year-old kids…

No Fajer..

No Fawaz…

No S3ood…

S3ood and his stupid mom hung out all day working on sorting out the pictures from the Carnival to CD's so that other companies can look at their accomplishment and so their little company would be introduced… Like there is nothing else to do….

Tuesday finally ended… and I didn’t want Thursday to come… I planned on going to the Avenues with a couple of school friends.

هناك تعليقان (2):